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Archive for the 'Neck Pain' Category

Neck Pain – Chiropractic and the Older Patient

People of all ages suffer from neck pain, and many frequently turn to chiropractors for care because it's been found to be one of the most effective and efficient forms of treatment available, and it carries minimal side effects! It has been projected that by 2030, nearly one in five residents in the United States [..]

Neck Pain – Drugs or Chiropractic?

When you have neck pain, do you instinctively reach for that bottle of ibuprofen or acetaminophen? If so, is that the best option? Who can we trust for the answer? Since between 10-20% of the population suffer from chronic or persistent neck pain, this is a VERY IMPORTANT question! If we look at the literature [..]

Chiropractic & Exercise vs. OTC Medication for Neck Pain?

“Boy, my neck is killing me! Honey, where is the ibuprofen?” Isn’t this the FIRST thing people think of when they have an ache or pain? The general public does NOT usually think, “….Boy, do I need to see my chiropractor—my neck is killing me!” So, the question of the month is, which one is [..]

Chiropractic and Neck Pain in Children

Children have been treated by chiropractors for spinal problems ever since chiropractic was founded in 1895 and neck pain is no exception. Neck pain is surprisingly common in kids, though not quite as common as it is in adults, reaching a similar occurrence rate by age 18. Studies conducted in the United States and in [..]

Neck Pain and Chiropractic

Neck pain represents a major problem for people throughout the world with considerable negative impact on individuals, families, communities, healthcare systems, and businesses. In fact, it's estimated that up to 70% of the general population will have neck pain at some point in life. Recovery within the year from neck pain ranges between 33% and [..]

Neck Pain – Where Is It Coming From?

Neck pain can arise from a number of different tissues in the neck. Quite often, pain is generated from the small joints in the back of the vertebra (called facets). Pain can also arise from disk-related conditions where the liquid-like center part of the disk works its way out through cracks and tears in the [..]

Neck Pain Treatment Options

Neck pain is a very common problem. In fact, two-thirds of the population will have neck pain at some point in life. It can arise from stress, lack of sleep, prolonged postures (such as reading or driving), sports injuries. whiplash injuries, arthritis, referred pain from upper back problems, or even from sinusitis! Rarely, it can [..]

Common Questions about Cervical Disk Herniations

Last month, we discussed the topic of neck pain arising from cervical disk herniations. The focus of this month’s article is common questions that arise from patients suffering from cervical disk derangement. 1. “What can I do to help myself for my herniated disk in my neck?” The mnemonic device “PRICE” stands for Protect, Rest, [..]

Neck Pain and Cervical Disk Herniation

Neck pain can arise from many sources. For example, there are ligaments that hold bones to other bones that are non-elastic and very strong. When injured, the term, “sprain” is applied. The muscle and/or its attachment (the tendon) can tear as well, which is called a “strain.” But, what is it that people refer to [..]

Does Neck Surgery Improve Long-Term Outcomes?

How many times have you heard, “I have a pinched nerve in my neck and have to have surgery.”? Though there certainly are cases where surgical intervention is required, surgery should ONLY be considered after ALL non-surgical treatment approaches have first been tried (and failed). It is alarming how many cases of cervical radiculopathy (i.e., [..]